Kids Corner

Hi children,

As you know, when you came into my clinic to see me, we decided that it would be a good idea for me to do an operation to make you feel better.

On the day you come in for your operation, I won’t be wearing my suit that you saw me in the first time – this time I will be wearing a funny hat and some green clothes that my wife thinks look like pyjamas.  They are really comfortable and I like wearing them.  I have lots of different hats for theatre days, I have a turtles one, one with bears, one with birds, one with dinosaurs and lots more – see if you can guess which one I’ll be wearing on the day that I see you!

You can bring your teddy bear with you, and maybe your grown up will bring a small bag with them with a few other things for you like a dressing gown or jumper and a book.

I am looking forward to seeing you when you come in! I hope you stay well until then.

See you soon!
